The Family Home What is the family home? In Saskatchewan, the law refers to the marital or matrimonial home as the family home. A family home may...
A Cautionary Tale: R. v. Thorsteinson In a recent decision, the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal in R. v. Thorsteinson considered whether a person may take back a gift of land into joint...
Why have a Written Contract? Contracts are an integral part of doing business. They define important relationships and a well written contract provides security and protection for the parties....
Saskatoon Home Prices Stable Despite Falling Sales Check out this Saskatoon Star Phoenix article about the Saskatoon Real Estate Market: Saskatoon Home Prices Stable Despite Falling Sales
Difference between Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common An important topic in real estate and estate planning is how people appear or want to appear on title. Depending on your situation, how...
Why do I need a real estate lawyer? The main reason you want a real estate lawyer is to have a legal expert looking out for your interests. Your real estate lawyer...
Is it a good idea to add my child as joint owner of my home? We frequently have clients come into our office asking us to add one of their children as a joint owner of their home. Generally,...
How much time do you need to complete a real estate purchase? How much time is needed to complete your real estate purchase depends on the transaction and who is involved. If you have a cash...